Friday, January 20, 2006

Good news for the GOP.

  1. McCain crushes Hillary in 2008 matchup. McCain bests the senator from NY. 52-36 in a new poll. The veteran senator from Arizona has done much to drive away the GOP base. There is only one advantage that McCain can hope for and that is Clinton being the Democratic front-runner. "ABC"or "Anybody But Clinton" will galvanize Republicans the way Dems chose Kerry as the best candidate to attempt to defeat Bush but with a different result. (McCain on Conan O'Brien)
  2. Karl Rove is back. "The Architect",Rove is back providing the RNC with campaign issues for the fall. The economy, national security, and thank God it includes reining in spending. Svengali Dick Morris's latest column makes the case that Bush still owns the national security issue and that polls show the people support what he has done.
  3. Peggy Noonan. Today is the 25th anniversary of the inauguration of Ronald Reagan. Noonan, a former White House speechwriter who is responsible for Reagan's "Challenger" and " Pointe du Hoc" speeches.A book about her tenure can be found here. She uses this special occasion to take stock in the year so far and discuss the future of the GOP. I will leave you with the last few lines:
"Republicans in Washington struggle with scandal and speak of reform, and
reformation. They would better think of words like regain, refresh, rebuild. If
they don't, if Republicans don't choose to lead well, and seriously, and with
principle, they should ask themselves: Who will? Seriously: Who will?"