Thursday, April 13, 2006

I missed a majority of the latest South Park episode but have been following the story via Michelle Malkin and The Volokoh Conspiracy.
In the episode, Stan lectures the president of FOX about the importance of free speech:
"You can't do what he wants just because he's the one threatening you with violence. . . . Yes, people can get hurt. That's how terrorism works. But if you give in to that, Doug, you're allowing terrorism to work. . . . If you don't show Mohammed, then you've made a distinction between what is OK to make fun of and what isn't. Either it's all OK or none of it is. Do the right thing."

The supporters of the Danish cartoonists would be proud. (I count myself as one). I as much a supporter of free speech as the next blogger but apparently the execs at ComedyCentral aren't. They have decided that they cannot show a cartoon Mohammed but it is okay to show Jesus & Pres. Bush defacating on the American flag. No hiding their priorities.