Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Cardin campaign attacks Michael Steele's race..again.
[Ben] Cardin, a dry and detailed-oriented career legislator, was upstaged at his Upper Marlboro event Sunday by the irrepressible Rep. Steny Hoyer, who did a comedy routine about the event’s host, Cool Wave Water, and told the audience that [Michael] Steele had had “a career of slavishly supporting the Republican Party.” (italics mine)
I understand that tying incumbent Republicans to failed Bush policies without offering new ideas is a winning strategy for the Democrats this year. It is the oratorical equivalent of, "Bush lied, kids died." However, Steele is not an incumbent. He is only the highest ranking African-American ever elected to statewide office in Maryland. Cardin is going to have to bring more than that to defeat Steele. Hence the remarks made in proxy by Steny Hoyer.