Friday, November 2, 2007

The Top 100 Most Influential Conservatives & Liberals in the U.S.

As rated by the The Telegraph of U.K. The list is interesting but is 2008 Presidential candidate heavy. Four of the of top 20 conservatives are Presidential candidates. On this side of the pond, a lot of folks would find it difficult to find 4 candidates that fit their definition of a conservatives in the entire Republican field. The paper also equates party loyalty with either a conservative or liberal philosophy. The top 20 on the liberal side are not pols or experts but interest group organizers, or wives of Presidential candidates. The top 20 Conservatives are mainly 1st round draft picks for the next Republican administration. The paper adopted this formula; anything right of centre = Conservative; left of centre = Liberal. Makes you question where the centre is. The selection process includes this caveat;

When in doubt, we have leant towards those
likely to be most influential in the future rather than those whose careers and
impact lies in the past. But some historical figures cast such a long shadow
that it would have been perverse to have excluded them.

Feel free to list your top 5 most influential (living and nonliving)

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